Movie Agency is a blog that covers most of movie topics, doing reviews; talking about the coming awards, etc. Posts every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Tip of the Week (Radio)
After watching lots of practices Radio falls in love with Football, and starts helping Harold. Some people don't approve the staying of Radio in the sideline or even in the school. The battle that Harold and Radio have to stay in school starts to get complicated when the city hall interferes. Will the coach and James manage to overcome this story? But remember, this is a film based on a true story. A happy ending is questionable. Only watching you will find out.
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Saturday, March 26, 2016
Batman v.s Superman -- Movie Review (no spoilers)

Direction: 6.1
Actors: 7.9
Screenplay: 7.6
Plot: 7.0
OVR: 7.5
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Thursday, March 24, 2016
Awesome Easter Eggs in Famous Movies
We all know easter eggs right? Today I will be talking about the most famous easter eggs in movies. I'm not talking about the obvious ones like Stan Lee in every Marvel movie, and nothing related to the crazy easter eggs from Pixar; but about the hidden ones that almost no one can see.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Suicide Squad: What to Expect
What are we really expecting? I think that the main question on the movie is if the "heroes" are really dying saving the world, or they will magically escape from death and come home alive? Is Jared Leto the best fit for this Joker? This answers can only be answered after we watch the movie. The movie will come out 4 and 5 of August in the whole world (not actually, but in the countries that the movie is being released is going to be in that dates). Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Will Smith, Cara Delevingne, Jai Courtney and Adewale Agbaje will make you want to travel to August.
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Saturday, March 19, 2016
Old But Gold #3 (Good Will Hunting -- 1997)
From therapist to therapist, Will Hunting uses his intelligence to make the therapists give up on him, until one day, one therapist don't give up. He sees what Will is going through and he understands it. Together they have great talks about life and love. The genius kid that thought that life had no meaning, finds one. Love.
A girl that studies in nothing less that in the Harvard University, meets Will in a bar, and she is in doubt between the genius from the street, or the genius from Harvard. She chooses the guy from the street. Together they have highs and lows until a big problem comes up. Will they manage to go through it? Only watching you will know!
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Thursday, March 17, 2016
Think, Act, Be Your Character
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Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Civil War: What To Expect

#TeamIronMan: The billionaire playboy that gives free snacks is helping the military forces to capture his old friend Captain America. Iron Man, Vision, Spider-Man, Black Widow and War Machine will use all of their forces to defeat Captain America and his friends.
"Divided we will fall"
In which side are you? Comment #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Old But Gold #2 (The Usual Suspects --- 1995)
It keeps going from the story that Verbal is telling to him telling the officer, its very interesting. Like many movies out there this one starts with the ending with a mysterious guy in a coat killing someone, and then it goes to calm and warm past. You might or might not like the movie, but you certainly will love the ending. It is something so unpredictable that you will never had guessed. You might have hated the whole movie, but when you see the ending you will go and recommend it to all of your friends, family and strangers that you meet in the street.
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Thursday, March 10, 2016
Straight Outta Compton -- Movie Review
The movie starts with Eazy E entering a house selling drugs. That scene is very important to the movie, because it shows how dangerous the city of Compton, CA is. And how Dre and his friends decide to go to Miami and get involved in the music business. They found a businessman after they release their first and very successful song, Straight Outta Compton.With great money comes great fights, and not so great discussions about "who is the leader" and "I'm not signing that".
As the movie goes by, you will notice famous songs like "Fuck the Police" and also famous artists as Snoop Dogg, that started recording with Dre and then he says: "This guy got some talent!"
The movie was nominated for The Oscar of "Best Original Screenplay", it should have won, but it didn't. Great Movie!
Actors: 8.3
Screenplay: 9.7
Plot: 9.2
OVR: 9.0
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016
The Movie That Grossed More Money in History
James Cameron is an awesome director that knows how to make money! The only two movies that passed the mark of 2 billion dollars, were directed by him. Titanic and Avatar.
You probably already know the story, the paralytic american soldier going to another planet to find an element that only exists in this certain planet, called Pandora. Still struggling to remember? Well, they go to Pandora, there they find native people, and then they use a strange type of technology where where you enter a strange machine that does strange things and finally you become a strange creature that seems normal to the natives. If you got interested, watch the rest of the movie, I'm not going to spoil it here.

The movie counts with pretty good actors like Sam Worthington and Michelle Rodriguez, that certainly didn't expect to make so much money with their bonus based on the amount of money that the movie grossed.
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Saturday, March 5, 2016
Old But Gold #1 (Pulp Fiction -- 1994)
You have to pay much attention to the chronology, because it is
not a regular movie. The time alternates every single scene, so if you
miss 10 minutes of the movie you can get really lost! And the ending of
the movie is actually the beginning. You must be thinking that a movie
so complex like that may not be so good, but is Quentin Tarantino.
Pulp Fiction -- Times of Violence. The title speaks for itself.
The movie it's full of violence, even if you do not enjoy movies like
that, you will love Pulp Fiction. Sometimes the violence mix up with
mystery and comedy, keeping the viewers entertained. The story is not
only about one character and his problems, but it is about a bunch of
characters in various situations. That doesn't mean that the stories are
not connected. Everything revolves around the Mafia and its mysterious
leader. At the end of the movie you will see that every one of the
characters have met, it can be maybe in only one scene, but they will.
Sometimes in the movie you will see a character dying but after, he will
appear again. That is what I was talking about when I said this wasn't a
normal movie with a normal chronological order.
Well, this was the first Old But Gold, if you enjoyed leave a comment!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
The Worst and the Best Book-Movie Adaptations
The Worst and the Best Book-Movie adaptations
#1: 50 Shades of Grey
Considered the worst movie of 2015, 50 Shades of Grey was certainly a disappointment. The great book that sold millions and millions of copies had enchanted men and women all around the world, with magic between the lines, able to feel sorry for the unreal characters, to feel the pain that he/she is feeling. An awesome job by E. L. James. When the movie was announced, the fans went crazy; and the expectation was really high, but when the movie came out…….. The actors did a horrible job, showing absolutely no emotion when performing. We could not see, or feel what the actors were feeling, which is crucial for a movie to be good. The writers I think were even worst, taking out important dialogues that were in the book, and missing important details.The movie will certainly be something to forget, but not the book.

The Giver must be one of the best books ever written, with passion, mystery, action, adventure, suspense, agony, everything. But the movie was absolutely terrible. The actors were kind of ok, but the director........ that was HORRIBLE. In the movie when is everything "normal" (how it always was) everything is in black and white! It makes absolutely no sense! But when the main character starts having emotions, only he is colorful and everything is black and white! It will be so strange if you loved the book and than you watch the movie. Somethings made absolutely no sense, there were characters missing and the ending was to simple, compared to the book. Lois Lowry made the work of his life and the writers and directors managed to ruin everything. The Giver should always be remembered as a book and never as movie.

#1 The Martian:
I really need to say something? That movie was fantastic! The book is awesome! I think that Matt Damon did the performance of his life! Of course DiCaprio was better, but Matt deserved not more, not less than the honor to be nominated for the 88th Academy Awards! Making an adaptation from such a good book is really risky (you see what happened to 50 Shades of Grey), but Ridley Scott did it! The movie can show you in the big screen what the author was trying to say when he wrote the book. The book keeps us entertained, and wanting to finish it in one day, but we also don't want the book to end. That's how we also feel about the movie. That's how you know that you are reading a great book, and watching an awesome movie.
#2: Hunger Games
The Hunger Games trilogy was originally written to be a juvenille trilogy, but with time, people from all ages starting to fall in love with this book. The book comes with multiples surprises, disappointments and passion. Enchanting kids and elders from all around the world. What happens when a book is a world best-seller? They make a movie! Does this movies always comes as good as the books? Of course (50 Shades of Grey) not! But sometimes when the book author helps in the movie, it can really translate the words into images in the big screen. That was what Suzane Collins did, giving information on every single scene of every single movie. The movie became more popular than the book, and than when fans heard that their favorite movie was based on a book...... Money to Ms. Collins. This movie was an impact on every single actor that performed. But mainly J. Lawrence, who after this movie, was seen as the great actress she is.
#The Only One: Harry Potter
#1: 50 Shades of Grey
#2 The Giver:

#1 The Martian:
I really need to say something? That movie was fantastic! The book is awesome! I think that Matt Damon did the performance of his life! Of course DiCaprio was better, but Matt deserved not more, not less than the honor to be nominated for the 88th Academy Awards! Making an adaptation from such a good book is really risky (you see what happened to 50 Shades of Grey), but Ridley Scott did it! The movie can show you in the big screen what the author was trying to say when he wrote the book. The book keeps us entertained, and wanting to finish it in one day, but we also don't want the book to end. That's how we also feel about the movie. That's how you know that you are reading a great book, and watching an awesome movie.
#2: Hunger Games
#The Only One: Harry Potter
Harry Potter, by J.K Rowling must be one of the most controversial book-movie adaptations EVER. Some people might say that the writers and directors didn't couldn't capture the magic that the book brings you, some might say that they were fantastic, but I will leave this one up to you! Comment down below: Do you think that Harry Potter was a good book-movie adaptation?
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Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Congratulations DiCaprio! You did it!
Leonardo DiCaprio has finally won an Oscar! Did he deserved it? Probably. We might say that the Academy was in debt with Leo; he should have won years ago! This year he was absolutely fantastic in "The Revenant",
T so was Michael Fassbender interpreting Steve Jobs. Everybody knows that
the dispute was between Fassbender and DiCaprio. But it was Leo time!
He had been nominated for 5 awards. Four by best actor; One for
best supporting actor; and one for best picture. It was absurd that such
a good actor had never won an Oscar
His speech was interesting, talking mostly about climate change
and environmental issues, but also thanking the great job that Alejandro
did on the movie and all the producers and actors from “The Revenant”
R.I.P DiCaprio no-oscar Memes
1994 - 2016
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