Rue - Hunger Games
Mufasa - Lion King
Jack Dawson - Titanic
After all the pain and effort that they spent to be together just to Jack die frozen in the sea?! Even with the frustration and anger you still love the ending when Rose is old and is telling about one of the most important people in her life.
Ellie Fredricksen - UP
Ellie was a character that we almost didn't know, but we were certain that she would become one of the most important in the whole movie. In the beginning during the hospital scene……… It is just heartbreaking.
Bubba - Forrest Gump
The guy that you love since the first scene, the one that everybody loves, so what will the director do? Kill him. It is just devastating when he is shot, and the effort that Forrest does to try to help him.
In my opinion the saddest of all time!
Fred Weasley - Harry Potter
If you are a crazy HP fan you know what I'm talking about. When we see Fred dead in the ground a series of flashbacks are in our head, all the funny and good moments with the two brothers, their store, their funny attitude, everything.
It is the end of the movie, everybody expecting to see how is the real world and how will they survive, until something terrible happens. Chuck gets shot. The movie just seem to have no purpose anymore.
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This is soooooo sad..... I almost cried